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Authentic Norms?

The second Norm that I have realized are Authentic Norms, and yes I know it sounds contradicting. Authentic Norms are people who're true to themselves, but still abide by the rules of society. These people are in fact unique, they don't try to be something they obviously aren't and they're content with being themselves. They are authentic BUT they were taught the do's and don'ts of social standards so that's the only thing holding them back from becoming an alien. I did say in order to be an alien you have to have authenticity but it's not just that, you should also follow your own rules and what you think is right. You shouldn't follow everyone else's rules because that's what they told you is right, you should know for yourself what is right and what isn't. And if you don't, you're a norm. Now since this Norm is Authentic, i'm not sure if these kind of people should even be called Norms? Because they aren't 'normal' but their thinking is created based off society. Maybe something more like Brainwashed authentics? I don't think these kinds of people are really on neither world Norm or world Alien. They're probably made up of a whole different world, but I'm not sure what that would be since I only know of one Authentic Norm right now. Most of my realizations are based off of one person and I wish I could travel a bit to see if there are more and how they act. I'm excited to figure out this whole new world and figure out what to call it. Maybe they are just norms, maybe they are a whole new world, maybe just another category? I'm not sure but once I figure it out i'll give an update.

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